
Affichage des articles du février 21, 2020

22 - Healthwise

A LOT OF SENIORS Since I've been in Finland I've noticed that I've seen more elderly people than in France. But also a lot of active and working older people. In Finland, the population is ageing faster than in many OECD countries, putting increasing pressure on public finances, particularly through pensions and health care spending, and on labour resources. In addition to reforming pension systems, longer working hours also requires improving the employability of older workers through training and reforming certain labour market policies to boost overall employment. FIGHTING AGAINST THE DIFFERENCIATION AGAINST THE DIFFERENCIATION OF OLDER PEOPLE IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT That is why Finland is fighting against the differentiation of older people in the working environment. The country has introduced a number of reforms to eliminate unequal treatment on grounds of age. Reforms which France and other European countries should take as an example. Finnish companies have