13 - The coffee in Finland


It is a very surprising fact that Finns are among the world's biggest coffee drinkers, a situation that has been going on for decades. And every Finn has his or her own reasons for loving coffee.

After all, you will see many Finns drinking a LOT of coffee. Not that in France we don't drink it, but here I was really shocked by their relationship with coffee. For example in the canteen at the end of the meal it's self-service and everybody takes some, I've never seen that in a canteen in France. Also a lot of shops are essentially places to drink coffee, that exists in France too but they are rarer or we drink our coffee in a bakery or a bar. 


However, the question remains: why are Finns such great coffee lovers?  Some Finns find it difficult to explain their passion for the hot drink. Part of the reason could be that they live in a cold country, so they need to drink hot and nourishing drinks. 

But there is also another, more sentimental reason, that coffee is linked to the best memories of Finns. For example, when they were children, many children used to go ice fishing in the winter, with a Thermos filled with tasty and hot coffee in their bags. So every Finn remembers where he or she was when they first tasted coffee.

Coffee is also an important part of social relations in Finland. For Finns, coffee breaks the ice, during a coffee break they talk among colleagues about other things besides work. They get to know each other. And all of this is thanks to coffee. It's hard to believe, isn't it?


It's true that since I've been in Finland I've been going out with friends many times just to have a coffee together and chat.
My favourite place for this is Expresso House. All their coffees have drawings with milk in them, it's so beautiful! They serve a lot of coffee and great pastries typical of Finland. 

I usually have a cappuccino and a "korvapuusti" is a cinnamon buns. I didn't know anything about this pastry shop before I came to Finland but now I can't do without it.


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