3 - The Education in Finland


Finland is aware of its isolated geographical location and its very little-known language, which is why it has implemented a very effective education policy over the long term. This policy affirms the will to ensure equal access to education for all citizens of all ages. Indeed, Finnish education can be followed at any time of life and continuing education for adults is highly developed. 


According to the OECD's 2018 Pisa survey, Finland scores very high. Indeed, Finland ranks third and scores well above the OECD average in all dimensions of learning: in science 522, mathematics 507, or reading literacy 520.


Finland also scores very well in group problem solving and is once again at the top of the ranking. This is a very big advantage as this ability is becoming more and more demanded by employers. Having spent a year studying there myself, I realized that there is so much more group work there than in France.


As far as notes are concerned, the way it works is completely different from the one we have in France.
We are not rated out of 20 but in Finland all are rated out of 5. It's quite confusing to understand at first but you will quickly realize that with this system it is much easier to get good grades.
- 0/5 means that you have failed so you don't validate the course. 
- 1/5 is equivalent to our 10/20, which is the average, a very low mark but sufficient to validate the course.
- 2/5 is equivalent to a 13-14/20 with us whose work was well done but can be done better.
- 4/5 corresponds to 17/20 for us, it's a good mark that borders on perfection but it lacks a little something.
- 5/5 so 20/20 means that you did the exercise perfectly.


In Finland the aim of the education system is that the learning objectives should be achieved by almost all students. Thanks to its better education, Finland has acquired a large source of skilled workers, especially in the field of electronics and information technology, on which much of the country's future growth is based. Also, this good basic education enables young Finnish bachelors who choose to join the labour market to continue their education later in life.


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