10 - Hesinki


I couldn't spend a year in Finland without visiting the capital! Moreover, Helsinki is very close to the city of Turku, about two hours by bus, and the prices are very affordable. Also, you can book a free city tour that shows you the most important monuments here's the link : link here


Helsinki is the capital and largest city of Finland with 642,045 inhabitants in the municipality and 1,456,619 in Greater Helsinki. The city has the highest immigrant population in the whole country. There are more than 130 nationalities residing in the city of Helsinki. It is spread out on a peninsula surrounded by a large number of islands and is strongly characterized by the presence of water. Helsinki is a merchant port open to the Gulf of Finland. Its inhabitants are called "Helsinkiläiset" in Finnish and "Helsingforsare" in Swedish.


With the free walking tour we first visited the Helsinki Lutheran Cathedral, if you're passing through Helsinki you can't miss it, this cathedral is very impressive ! It was built according to the plans of Carl Ludvig Engel and overlooks the Senate Square.  It is a magnificent church with a pleasant view of the city at the top of the steps. 

I also found it very pleasant to simply sit on the stairs and enjoy the nice weather and the entertainment in the Senate Square. Today of Lutheran confession, it was first consecrated to Saint Nicolas, patron saint of merchants and navigators.  Its four cardinal pediments are decorated with the twelve apostles cast in zinc. Its name, Tuomiokirkko "Great Church" dates back to 1959. What surprised me about this church is that it is magnificent on the outside and very sober on the inside, smaller than one might have thought from the outside.


This second church is also a must-see. The exterior Orthodox style is recognizable and contrasts with the Lutheran Cathedral just a stone's throw away, but the interior is breathtakingly rich. Built in 1868, the Orthodox Rite Cathedral is a superb example of the Byzantine-Slavic style. The view from the esplanade is breathtaking. It was built according to the plans of the architect A.M. Gornoschtaev. At the time, two distinct cultures of notables lived side by side: Swedish-speaking Finns and Russian notables. As for the majority Finnish-speaking population, it gradually imposed its views at the end of the 19th century. It remains the most important Greek Orthodox church in Western Europe and people still stand there.
For my part, I found it to be a very beautiful cathedral, very original, both inside and outside. It reflects the Russian Orthodox style. Beautiful view from the terrace. Respect and silence inside.


From my point of view, it is a church that has no equal, I think, in terms of its originality. A church where there is a surprisingly warm atmosphere despite the fact that it is dug into the rock. Of Lutheran confession, it is undoubtedly, rightly, one of the most visited monuments of the capital. For 2019, the number of visitors is estimated at over 900,000, a record! Its location next to Parliament places it in the heart of the city. At first glance, it's impossible to guess that you're standing in front of a church. 

Radically different from the usual places of worship, it is built in the heart of a rocky area. There are no pillars to support the quasi-hypnotic copper dome, held only by reinforcements directly fixed between the stones. The altar leaning against the rock is dominated by a huge bay window that lets in the daylight. Candles are placed in the few niches in the wall. The meditation takes on a very particular relief, especially as the excellent acoustics allow the holding of many concerts. I went there at a time when someone was playing the piano and it was absolutely magnificent with the reasoning. Consecrated in 1969, it is a typical example of these recent churches with a multi-purpose vocation: a place of prayer, but also a place of meetings and living events.


A stroll by the sea is a must. You can't miss it, it's huge and takes up all the space in the middle of the city. The stalls of the merchants of the four seasons perfume the air with their brews of dill and wild berries and the fishermen sell their daily catch. There are many food stalls and you can eat ready-made meals on the spot.  Traditional handicrafts include woven birch bark objects, Russian fur chapkas... A pleasure for the eyes and the taste buds. 


Oodi is THE new library in Helsinki and it is absolutely sublime! Designed by ALA Architects, they won the international architecture competition in 2013 with this project. The exterior is a mix of wood and glass windows, completely in keeping with the Finnish style. And inside you have everything: books, a café, access to consoles and video games, a space for children, ultra-comfortable armchairs for reading or even taking a nap, workspaces and even 3D printers, sewing machines... Everything!


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