18 - Unusual sports in Finland


I wanted to learn more about the sport that I could discover in Finland but I realize that in Finland there is a lot of unusual sports that I never heard about before. I talked about it in one of my course "Get Finternational" so I'm going to talk about it now here.


If you talk about it to a Finnish it would be very proud of it !
Participants in the Estonian-style women's carry (carrying head down with the woman's legs around the wearer's shoulders)
The Women's Wearer (in Finnish Akankanto or eukonkanto) was established in 1996 in the village of Sonkajärvi, 400 km north-east of Helsinki. Legend has it that an unmarried man from the village went to steal a woman from the neighbouring village and carried her back on his back. A team is made up of a man and a woman. The aim is for the man to carry the woman through an obstacle course. This discipline has been emulated in Estonia, New Zealand and North America.


This championship has been held at the end of August in the Savonlinna region since 2000. Four categories exist, with their own rules:
- Junior: from 12 years old, over the shoulder, the longest throw wins.
- Freestyle: team (max. 3) or individual, score according to style and aesthetics
- Original: Over the shoulder, the longest throw wins.
- Original per team: maximum 3 people


Organised since 1998 in Heinola, these championships aim to test the resistance of competitors in overheated saunas. The aim is to stay as long as possible in a sauna heated to 110 °C (compared to the usual temperature of 80 °C), where water is poured over the stones every 30 seconds.

In the 2005 edition, the winner (Timo Kaukonen, Finland) of the men's competition stayed 13 minutes and 6 seconds in the oven, compared to 8 minutes and 38 seconds for the winner of the women's competition (Natallia Tryfanava, Belarus).

In 2010, one of the finalists died from burns, Russian Vladimir Ladyjensky, while the other, Finnish Timo Kaukonen, was badly burned. They both stayed for six minutes in the booth heated to 110°C. The town of Heinola decided to discontinue the annual competition following this event. The competition brought together 135 candidates from 15 countries.


Organized in Oulu since 1996, the world championships of imaginary guitar (air guitar) are based on a pacifist ideology: you can't do anything stupid when you play the imaginary guitar. The initial idea was that one should play guitar for peace simultaneously all over the world. This competition now has an international reach, with many national championships. This event closes the Music Video Festival in Oulu at the end of August.


Since 2002, the world football championship has been held in the swamp in Hyrynsalmi. The playing field is a swampy field with dimensions of 60 × 35 m. A game lasts 25 minutes. Each team consists of 6 players. During the winter, Hyrynsalmi still distinguishes itself by hosting the World Football Championship on powder snow on a frozen lake at the Ukkohalla ski resort.


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