8 - The country the most happy in the world


Several times I have heard Finns say that their country is the happiest in the world. So I did my little research on the subject.
Indeed, Finns are the happiest in the world according to the latest World Happiness Report, published by the UN on 20 March 2019. The ranking of the 156 countries in the "World Happiness Report" is based on several indicators including GDP per capita, perception of corruption, life expectancy and generosity of individuals. Finland was already at the top of this ranking last year. As for France, it is in 24th position, losing one place compared to 2018. In this ranking, it is mainly the Nordic countries that are at the top of this ranking.


To understand this ranking, first of all it would be good to remember the definition of happiness. Happiness is "a very subjective concept but at the same time very much linked to certain objective criteria, such as material comfort, respect, interpersonal relationships, and conditioned by social and cultural structures." To be clearer, what is important to remember is that happiness is a very fragile notion that is built at a collective level. Indeed, the report mainly analyzes the link between happiness and the concept of community. It also looks at the link between the governments of countries and the social behavior of their populations.

Finland, being a rather well-off country that attaches great importance to its education with its very calm pedagogy, and where inequalities between the sexes and social classes are relatively low, perfectly embodies this idea of living collectively. All these elements allow the Finnish population to forge a slightly stronger self-esteem than in some countries and thus to feel happier. Generally speaking, Finland aims to help those who are the least reassured or the least happy, especially with their social security and education systems, progressive taxes, etc., and this helps to create more social cohesion. 


However, there is still a contradiction with this ranking of Finland as the happiest country in the world, as the number of suicides in this country is very high. According to data published by Eurostat, Finland remains above the EU average, with 13 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants every year. Even though this rate has fallen over the last 30 years it is still difficult to find an explanation for this phenomenon, but as we know happiness is a subjective concept. Indeed, if you are unhappy in a very happy country, it is even harder, and this is one of the possible explanations for such a high suicide rate.


The UN report also tries to determine the influence of technology and digital information on happiness. This influence is very complicated to estimate, because even today there are still many conflicting opinions on the subject. A large number of people accuse digital and social networks of having a negative impact on the happiness of citizens, especially young people. New technologies make it possible to meet new people virtually and to establish new social bonds. But these social links are not really "real" and are often based only on "image" and exchanges where one only shows what one wants and hides a part of reality.


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